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120+ Entries

17+ Awards Given

5 Different Countries

Discovering Our Voices Through Writing

The International High School Writing Contest is an annual analytical and creative writing competition for all high school students eager to share their work. The competition recognizes creativity and excellence in 5 categories: Short Story, Flash Fiction, Poetry, Critical Essay, and Dramatic Script. All students' works will be read through and analyzed by multiple approved judges, with actual feedback returned alongside all entries. There are no entry fees. All high school students are invited to particpate.

We wanted a writing competition that was 100% free with a transparent submission and judging process. Most writing competitions either give you an award or don't, with zero feedback on how to improve. The International High School Writing Contest gives students all around the world an opportunity to share their work and compete against others whilst exploring and improving their own writing—all without having to worry about payment or entrance fees.

2022 Winner: Kai Huang

Gold Medallion Recipient for Flash Fiction: "Growing Pains"

Age 18 | Gold Medallion Recipient | GongShan High School | Shanghai, China


"I've never written competitively. Prior to the 2022 IHSWC, I'd only written a handful of short fiction stories--mainly to practice for my English exams--and had never considered sharing them with anyone. But after encouragement from my teacher, I found dozens of competitions to apply to, including this one. I'd never expected to come back with any sort of award--but I did, and these competitions showed how fun and rewarding writing could be. Knowing I am being heard, that my writings are being read and even published publicly, have empowered in every part of my life. I am deeply grateful for Writing Waves and this writing contest for giving me the confidence and love to continue my English studies throughout college.

Frequently Asked Questions


When is the deadline? For the December 2023 International High School Writing Contest, the deadline for all categories is at 11:59pm EST December 27th, 2023. When are winners announced? An estimate for the winners announcement will be made after gathering all submissions. Currently, it is to-be-determined. What are the entry fees? There are no entry fees. Are we exclusive? No, you may submit the same works to other competitions, unless they are exclusive. How do I edit information after submission? Go to the "Submit" tab, head towards the bottom "Resubmit", and follow the instructions to resubmit/edit a submission. Can I resubmit? Yes, see the question above. Can I add notes for clarification/directions? Yes, you may add notes clarifying certain characters or describing how you intend the piece to be judged. For example, "Note: This is spoken word." How will Gold Medallion Recipients receive their payments? The cash prize will be transferred through Zelle (with either the parent's email address or phone number). This payment is only available for US-based high schoolers.


How do I become a judge? As of now, judge applications are closed. Can judges submit their own work? Yes, however judges may only submit in categories they are not judging in. For example, a Judge in Poetry may not submit poems. Can judges judge their own category No, judges are not allowed to judge their own categories.


Are there word limits for writing? Yes, word limits vary depending on the category. If your work exceeds the word limit of a category, please submit a shortened version of the work. Is there a specific theme a work must address? No, there are no pre-defined prompts. Do I have to be published? And if so, where? If your work received a Silver or Gold Medallion, your work will be published on this website's gallery and potentially elsewhere. Can I submit the same piece to different categories? Yes, you may submit the same piece to different categories.


Can AI-generated work be entered into the 2024 International High School Writing Contest? No. Currently, AI-generated work is not invited to be entered into the International High School Writing Contest, and if entered, will be subject to disqualification. What is your plagiarism policy? All work entered must be original, meaning you create the work based on your own ideas. By entering, you agree that you created it and did not copy it from any other person, business, school, or organization. Any work that infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights will be disqualified. Can I enter work that has been previously published, exhibited, or recognized by another program? If your work has been previously published, exhibited, or recognized by another program, confirm that they do not hold exclusive rights to your work before entering. Can I re-enter a work that I entered to the International High School Writing Contest in a previous year? Previously awarded works cannot be re-entered, even if heavily modified. Although previous unawarded works may be entered.